
Upload Any File in My Account Registration Form

To allow users to upload a file in the My Account registration form in WooCommerce, you’ll need to customize the registration form and add a file upload field. We’ll use a custom function and a hook to achieve this. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

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Disable Repeat Purchase Of Product

To disable repeat purchase of products in WooCommerce, you can implement a custom solution using a combination of code snippets and WooCommerce hooks. The idea is to prevent customers from adding the same product to the cart if it already exists in the cart. Below are the steps to achieve this:

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WooCommerce: Display Regular & Sale Price @ Cart Table

Learn how to enhance your WooCommerce cart table by displaying both the regular and sale prices. Implement this functionality using WordPress hooks and filters to provide clear and appealing pricing information to your customers, encouraging sales and improving the shopping experience.

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